Field of application
- Ukrainian nationals and their family members whose main residence was in Ukraine before 24 February 2022.
- Stateless persons, and nationals of third countries other than Ukraine, who have been granted international protection or equivalent national protection in Ukraine and their family members whose main residence was in Ukraine before 24 February 2022.
People who don’t fall into temporary protection
Where and Formalities (in brief)
- First registration center Palais 8 (Brussels Expo, Heysel)-appointment https://register-ukraine.be/
- Subsequently, local administration of the place of residence
Kind of admission
- Residence permit type A valid one year as of 04.03.2022 to 04.03.2023 renewable for two consecutive periods of six months (unless the EU Council will end the temporary protection before that)
- Unlimited access to the labour market (for those holding the residence permit type A)
Reception and accomodation
- The Belgian authorities recommend stay with family or friends in Belgium where possible. If this is not an option, the authorities can guide to housing offered by the various municipalities in Belgium
- Fedasil can offer emergency reception for 1 or 2 nights (to approach the registration center at the Brussels Expo, Paleis 8, Heysel)
Social protection
- guidance will be provided by the local administration of the place of residence
- Ukrainians in a precarious situation are entitled to ‘tailor-made’ social assistance. Depending on their situation (housing, work, family composition, etc.), the PCSW will define the amount and aid they need to lead a decent life. This aid will therefore vary according to the person and may be revised on a monthly basis, with a ceiling of €1,093 per month for a single person, €729 for a cohabitant and €1,478 for a family with dependents
- The temporary protection status (covered by a residence permit type A) gives rise to right to family allowances
- Right to be enrolled in public education system
Access to employment market & self employment
- Unlimited access to labour market, by operation of law, and under general law (for holders of residence permit type A) -no authorisation of work or other formalities (except for the formalities any employer must complete under the Belgian law)
Family Reunification
Temporary protection open the right to family reunification. To this end, family members are :
- Spouse or unmarried partner in a stable relationship in accordance with the Belgian law on foreigners (note: it must be probably understood law on non-EU foreigners)
- Unmarried minor children, including those of the spouse, whether legitimate, born out of wedlock or adopted
- Other close relatives who were living in the family unit at the time of the circumstances surrounding the mass influx of displaced persons and who were wholly or mainly dependent on them at that time.