Legal Basis
Regulation of the Government and Regulation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, both dated 11.3.2022
Field of application
Persons falling within the scope of temporary protection
Ukrainian nationals who resided in Ukraine before 24.2.2022 and fled as of 24.2.2022 and their family members.
Stateless persons and third-country nationals who were granted international protection in Ukraine before 24 February 2022 and who fled as of 24.2.2022 and their family members;
Ukrainian nationals who on 24.2.2022 held a valid residence title pursuant to the NAG (or pursuant to §§ 55-57 Asylum Act), but which has not been (or will not be) renewed or withdrawn and who cannot return to Ukraine due to the war;
Ukrainian nationals who were legally resident in Austria on 24.2.2022, after expiry of the visa-free or visa-required stay, and who cannot return to Ukraine or to their country of residence due to the war.
Family members of those persons (see below).
Persons not covered by temporary protection
All other categories, including third country nationals.
Persons who do not have Ukrainian citizenship and who were either studying or working in Ukraine at the time of the outbreak of the war are allowed to enter Austria for humanitarian reasons.
From Austria, they are to travel on to their home country if they are able to do so.
If they cannot do so, they must either apply for asylum or they are to be assisted “”if necessary, in legalising their residence within the framework of the legal possibilities under the Settlement and Residence Act.
Formalities/ Where/ Who/ Kind of Admission
Application for an ID card for Protected Persons.
The application has to be filed at certain police stations throughout Austria as published on www.bbu.gv.at
Reception & Accommodation
The persons receive assistance in finding a home by several local and national institutions and private bodies.
Hotline: 0043 1 2676 870 9460
Right to stay and Formalities
Currently until 3.3.2023 based on the issued ID card for Protected Persons.
Allowance for Temporary protected
For persons in an organized housing: between 5,50 and 6,50 Euro per day.
Those who are accommodated privately are entitled to a meal allowance of EUR 215 per month (minor children: EUR 100) and rent allowance of EUR 150 for individuals and EUR 300 for families. Vouchers are issued to refugees for clothing and school supplies. Applictions can be filed at the hepl desk of Caritas. The processes vary from region to region.
Social Protection
Health insurance protection granted.
Children have the right to be admitted to kindergarden and schools.
The formalities depend from the respective institution. Additional classrooms will be established. Small schooling allowances are available.
Access to employment
Once the ID card for Protected Persons has been obtained, a work permit application must be filed by an employer intended to hire the protected persons at the competend labor authority.
After issuance of the work permit the protected person can start working.
Family Reunification
Family members are the following persons, provided that the family was already resident in Ukraine before 24.2.2022 :
(a) spouses and registered partners;
- b) minor unmarried children of a fugitive or of the spouse or registered partner;
- c) other close relatives who were living in the same household at the time of the expulsion and who are wholly or mostly dependent on the fugitive.